Social media platforms are taking over our society. They have made it possible to communicate, connect and become a part of a community even when we are home alone. They may also be responsible for two people bumping into each other as they walk, because they...
Now is the time to buy a business. As part of the South Australian State Budget 2015-16, a range of taxes and duties affecting business transactions have been abolished or will be phased out. Stamp duty on items such as non-fixed equipment, assets and intellectual...
Do you know the consequences of non-compliance in the display of your company name, ACN or ABN requirements? The consequences of not complying with Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Business Number (ABN) requirements under the Corporations Act of 2001 can...
Are you a farmer looking to improve your profitability? Well, what farmer wouldn’t! An obvious option is to increase the amount of land you farm. Statistics indicate that overhead costs per hectare generally reduce as the amount of farm land increases; so the more...
If you have made the decision to close down your Business then there are a number of administrative and tax issues you need to think about. The first step is talk to your accountant, solicitor or business advisers about the legal requirements for closing your...